Good news everyone, we've just passed the 300 mark of the names on the list—318 to be exact! And all of that was accomplished in just around 24 hours. Don't forget to buy a shirt and show everyone that you support Stephenie. More designs and colors coming soon, very soon.
I do not understand why there are haters of this book! The three things we were all hoping for, Edward and Bella to be married, do it, and her to change all happened!! So show some love for our favorite writer!
I still love and support Stephenie Meyer for her brilliant series. Without it, my life would be much more dull. Thanks Steph, much love to ya!
P.S. Breaking Dawn was sometimes difficult to read, but things had to happen for the storyline to close. Bravo to SM again for putting up with whiney fans who couldn't enjoy the book. I loved it!
Why 1,00? Hit higher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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